Jesus Heals the Deaf Mute

Deaf Mute

Mark 7:31-37

This week we will hear the story of Jesus healing the man who could not talk or hear.  As a parent I get that! I often feel like I am not really talking and not being listened to! I believe our kids can feel the same way.  Sometimes we don’t slow down and listen to what our kids are saying.  We get so caught up in getting things done.

How amazing is Jesus?  This man’s friends brought him to Jesus begging Jesus to heal their friend.  He took this man aside, away from the busyness and focused on him.  He “heard” this man’s faith even when he couldn’t talk.  God does this for us even now.  He knows what we need even before we can say it!

There is an amazing song by Chris Tomlin that says: “I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind.” What an amazing way to remind us God always knows what we need and when we find it hard to speak He hears us.


Here are some questions you can ask your kids:

1.  How do you think the man, who could not hear or speak, felt?

2.  Why do you think Jesus looked up at heaven? (to acknowledge the healing was coming from God)

3.  Like the man’s friends asking Jesus to heal their friend, who can you ask God to heal?

4.  What has God done in your life that is AMAZING?


The 4 Rs of Ridge Kids

  • Read The story of Jesus Healing the Deaf Mute( Mark 7:31-37)
  • Review the monthly Bible verse together.
  • React As a family talk about how God heals us and keeps us strong, we need to have faith.  Complete the family activity together.
  • Rely ON GOD. Pray with and for your child:

“Dear Jesus, thank you for good health and for healing when we need it.  Help (child’s name) and all of us to trust You for health and strength.  We love you! Amen!”



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